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My Wonderful Mum LINDA ELLEN BOOTH My Best Friend Every year for Mother's Day, I always like to write a message to let you and others know, just how Special you are and after this last year I think you need to read this more than ever. The last few months have been the hardest for us both, a huge part of us is missing and can never be replaced. Our hearts are broken & Our lives changed forever. I know one thing for sure Dad was always so proud of you ever since the 1st day you met and that never changed. All our family that are no longer here but are watching over you will be beaming with pride as I am. We will never forget any of them as a small part of each and every one has made us to be who we are. Mum - Always remember you are simply beautiful inside and out with a Heart of Gold. Remember to always have faith in you and what you can do. Never forget to try and show that beautiful smile of yours even though I know it's so tough and it's the last thing you want to do. I know that things will never be the same but remember that together we can do anything, we're a team & I will always be by your side. Love you now and always Michelle xxx
Viewed by: 1123 visitors. Uploaded: 3 years ago
Published in: Stoke Sentinel.
Published from: March 13, 2021.
Region: National
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